9.5/10This is probably on my top 10 favorite hardcore/punk records of all time. Tear It Up, who have since broke up since putting this out in 2002, were one of new jerseys best bands of the past decade. Every song is fast, angry, and flows in to the next before you even know what happened. A lot of bands try to (poorly) imitate Tear It Up's sound, but it usually just comes off cheesy and overall bad. If you like fast hardcore and you haven't listened to this yet, do yourself a favor.
01. Don't Call Me Tonight
02. No One Gets In
03. frat boys
04.. No They Don't Wash Off
05. Play To Destroy
06. You Make Me Hate You
07. From Nothing To Nothing
08. Close My Eyes And Hope For The Worst
09. Shit
10. Intermission
11. Fortified
12. I Don't Need To Be Saved
13. Trust Me I Don't Forget
14. Not This Time
15. Live Fast, Die Punk
16. Furious And Alone
17. The Cause
18. it's The End